The Envious Creeper

Warning: the thought of fun times involving sake bombs may be distracting, try to stay focused on the creeper at hand.

The envious creeper is different from other creepers because it is one of few instances in which a creeper may appear in a candid photograph. Generally speaking, creepers usually appear behind a group of posing patrons. The envious creeper may often appear within a candid action shot. The visual epitomizes the envious creeper in a candid picture. Four young women enjoying a girls' night out of sushi and sake are, unknowingly, within close proximity of a creeper. The envious creeper displays a look of disappointment, for he is not partaking in the shenanigans unraveling before his eyes. This creeper yearns to be more than just a part of the picture for which he is a creeper. More than just a look of disappointment, the envious creeper's facial expression--jaw dropped, brow tightened--personify his thoughts: "Man, why am I sitting at this table?" Although green may be a more suitable color for this creeper, his red eyes and red shirt flamboyantly draw attention to his creeper potential--with further examination, the envious creeper is, undoubtedly, identified and labeled.

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