The Indecent Creeper

Pardon the offensive hand gesture, for without it, one cannot correctly identify the indecent creeper. In the instance of an indecent creeper, the presence of a flagrant indecency, in this case, a middle finger, is obvious. Beyond just the finger, this indecent creeper exemplifies other specific characteristics of his respective genre. The creeper's protruding tongue draws attention to his lacking maturity, which is often the case with indecent creepers; this type of creeper is situated towards the bottom of the maturity totem pole. Furthermore, a lingering notion of sexual innuendo is ever-present in the angle and extent of his protruding tongue. The indecent creeper not only disregards societal expectations of comportment, but he, in many cases, can actually ruin a perfectly photographed Kodak moment. Not only is this cherished moment ruined by an indecent creeper, but, to make matters worse, he blatantly invades the personal space of two innocent girls. Unfortunately, indecent, the courts have come to define, is not always illegal. The obscene creeper, on the other hand, is always illegal, and shall be saved for another day.

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